Samuel Mwamburi
This is a portal to my work, tips, tricks, tutorials and everything else I've learnt (and am learning) along the way.


Brief overview of projects i've worked on and currently working on here.


Hi 👋 my name is Sam.

🧮 Intermediate number-cruncher, 🎱 amateur snooker-player, and 🏠 professional indoors-stayer.

🌱 I'm currently working with a group of really smart people to find out how UNEP's projects around the globe are doing.

🤖 And when i'm not at work, I learn how to make computers do cool stuff like tell you what the weather is outside or what smartphone you should buy next.

🔬 I'm also learning how to put down everything i've learnt and discovered so far into notes for nerds.😄

Be sure to check out my Github and get in touch on LinkedIn in case you'd like to chat.



Listening to: